Spiderflex Bicycle Seat and Cycling News Blog
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Jan 26, 2024
For many of us who live in colder climates, the winter season can mean more time spent inside, and less time out on the trails. However, if you've managed to get yourself a fat-tired bike, then there are many trails still awaiting you! This blog post will go through some of the best winter riding trails in the world.
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May 31, 2018
Summer is here and that means it's time to go biking! But don't stick to your boring old local trail for your whole life! I've compiled a small list of some of the best, and most scenic trails in Canada.
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Oct 2, 2017
Here are some strange laws about cycling that you may have been breaking without even knowing.
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>> Bike Trainer
Mar 9, 2017
Today I want to talk about bike trainers... as in make your bike a stationary bike for riding when you can't or don't want to get outside to ride. I have always looked at bike trainers over purchasing a stationary bike and yes I broke down and bought one.
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Mar 24, 2016
This month we are looking at Charity Cycling. There are all sorts of ways to raise donations for your favorite cause. Let cycling be one of them! Not only are you raising funds and public awareness, you are also staying healthy and getting in shape.
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Jan 18, 2016
Ok Christmas is over, New Years is here and it's time to forgot about presents, turkey, gravy and goodwill. It's time to get out and burn off some of the calories and what better way to do it than going for a mountain bike ride? For many riders a new way to get out is on a “Fat Bike”.
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Dec 7, 2015
This week we are just going to touch on a few gadgets in the commuter / recreational bicycle market, things like belt drives, split flexing seat posts etc.
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Sep 1, 2015
There is nothing better than a great batch of hearty Lentil soup after a great day out on your mountain bike riding the trails. You’re starving, and all you want to do is just sit down and chill while you fill the void you have successfully established in your middle area. This is a great hearty soup that will fill it and give you a sense of satisfaction that you fueled yourself with what the body needs.
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Jun 25, 2015
Over 70% of Americans are deficient in magnesium. As a cyclist, you should always be concerned with ensuring you’re not in that 70%. Magnesium deficiency is actually one of the most common nutritional deficiencies in athletes.
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Feb 1, 2015
Romance is in the air once again and the show must go on.
Valentine's day doesn't have to be a chore, and nor does it have to be a dull box of candy.
Valentine's day is about romance and bonding.
To romance you must connect but to connect you must understand and support the one you love.
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Jan 31, 2015
What a great ride, but now you get off your bike and you’re feeling a bit tight and worn. It’s time to stretch out all that tension, and open up those joints so we can feel revitalized again. Let’s have a look at the deeper side of yoga and make the best use of our time when we are lengthening those muscles and joints.
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Oct 20, 2014
We all know we need energy, hydration, and proper nutrition, but here are two little things to make sure your body can stay healthy and help you become a strong cyclist.
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Sep 1, 2014
Well maybe we don't cycle like this do we?
Whether you are going out with the family for a ride, checking out a nearby trail, or taking a cycling tour with some friends, you can make that experience a pleasant one right from the start if you follow these simple tips:
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Jul 1, 2014
The single most important item a cyclist can pack is water. You don’t need to be a hard core cyclist to make water the number one item to pack. Water makes up 70-75% of our tissues, and dehydration will leave you feeling lethargic and susceptible to joint injury; so if nothing else, make sure you have enough water for your excursion. You’ll enjoy your ride more if you’re hydrated, and you’ll feel stronger on your ride....
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Jun 1, 2014
So you have told yourself that you are going to start cycling, but you just can't seem to get motivated to pull yourself off that couch, and get out there.
Well, there just may be help for you yet. You just need to create a new habit....
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>> Cycling Snacks to Pack with you, not pack on Pounds: A New way to Think about Some of the Classics
May 31, 2014
We are not talking about carb loading here or fueling for that grueling 20 mile cycling ride.
What I want to talk about is that snack you pack on that recreational ride you take with your family or a group of friends.
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May 30, 2014
I’m not good with following recipes. I usually just throw stuff in that seems to be a good compliment and taste as I go.
My version of an Edamame Dip is a bit of guesswork in the quantity so adjust as you need to but I think you will love it.
It should be a relatively smooth and thick consistency like a hummus. It has a very fresh flavor and is divine with rice crackers if you want to toss them in too.
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Mar 31, 2014
Spring has sprung and you are just itching to get out there for a ride on your bike.
A good tune-up will reduce your risk of having unsuspected breakdowns or worse an accident caused by faulty equipment on the trail or road.
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Jan 24, 2014
Welcome to the second part of our series on winter cycling!
Last week we covered the modifications and maintenance that can be done to prepare your bike for winter riding.
This week we will cover what you can do to prepare yourself for the ride!
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Jan 17, 2014
Countless people ride their bikes to work or school during the summer months, but this number drops drastically when the winter months roll around. As the snow and ice begin to accumulate on the roads and sidewalks many people opt to take public transport or drive.
If you are the kind of person who would like to ride your bike year round but are wary of the cold and less than ideal conditions this post is for you! We will be breaking down some of the things you can do to prepare your bike and yourself for your winter commute in a two part series.